
Joining the Stratford & District Beekeepers Association opens up a world buzzing with excitement. Connect with fellow bee enthusiasts, learn from experienced apiarists, and contribute to the vital role that bees play in our ecosystem.

Whether you are a seasoned beekeeper or just starting out, our community will support and inspire you on your journey to protect these essential and fascinating pollinators.

Bee Diseases Insurance – BDI

Bee Diseases Insurance (BDI) provides valuable cover against the loss of bees, equipment and honey from the notifiable bee diseases American and European Foulbrood. Beekeepers with up to 39 colonies can insure through Scheme A, for which the premiums are payable through our Association; those with 40 or more colonies can only insure directly with BDI through Scheme B and they should contact our Hon. Treasurer for further details.

Premiums are for the calendar year and must be paid by 31 March – cover will not commence for 60 days if payment is made after this date.
Note that cover only applies if all colonies are insured, so it is important to cover all the colonies that you intend to work during the season.

BDI Rates for 2023/24 are given here.
Note that the Association subscription for all Full members includes a BDI premium to cover the first 3 colonies, so members wishing to cover more than 3 colonies must pay the appropriate extra premium. Country members, Associates and Friends do not pay BDI. Junior members may pay the basic premium plus the extra shown in the table for more than three colonies.

BDI premium for up to 3 coloniesIncluded in your Association subscription
Up to 5 coloniespay £1.20 extra
Up to 10 coloniespay £4.70 extra
Up to 15 coloniespay £7.75 extra
Up to 20 coloniespay £9.50 extra
Up to 25 coloniespay £11.10 extra
Up to 30 coloniespay £13.60 extra
Up to 35 coloniespay £16.10 extra
Up to 39 coloniespay £18.10 extra

Bee Craft

The magazine Bee Craft is available at reduced rates through the Association.

The association discounted rates for the calendar year 2023/2024 are £35 for a 12 month print subscription and £22 for a 12 month digital subscription.  Further discounts are available for Direct Debit payments (£31 for print, £18 for digital).

The Membership Secretary will provide you with a special Bee Craft Promotion Code enabling you to qualify for the special discounts to use on the Bee Craft website where you will be able to pay your magazine subscription directly by direct debit or credit card etc.

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