Bee Enthusiasts Since 1936

Promoting the craft of beekeeping, educating the public in the importance of bees in the environment, and promoting the conservation of honeybees and other native pollinators.

Who we are

Stratford-on-Avon Beekeepers’ Association (SBKA) has been supporting local Beekeepers since it was first formed in 1936.

SBKA provides help and training to members who are new to the craft, by an Introduction course for beginners plus help to develop more experienced Apiarists by mentoring or instruction through the BBKA exam process.

We have specialist equipment ( Honey extractors,veils and skeps) which members can use and have an active Association Apiary where practical sessions in a safe environment take place throughout the summer.

We also aim to supply locally adapted bees and Queens from the Association Apiary to new and experienced members.

Teaching Apiary

The association is very fortunate to have its’ own apiary, and in such beautiful surroundings. It is open to all members and was set up specifically as a ‘Teaching Apiary’ for the use and benefit of members – whether new to beekeeping, intermediate or more experienced.

We are able to hold practical demonstrations in a safe environment and it gives members the opportunity to handle bees under expert guidance and also to receive tuition.

The meetings are programmed throughout the season so you will always be able to get involved on the day, whether it’s swarm prevention/control, making up nucs, honey extraction, varroa treatment, disease inspections, uniting colonies, feeding or preparation for winter – to name just a few.

We also undertake Queen Rearing and run a Bee Improvement Group.
Do try and come to as many apiary meetings as you can and take advantage of the opportunity – it’s there for YOU.

Meetings are usually held on Sunday afternoons and are always friendly, a good opportunity to meet other members too.

Bee Improvement Group (BIG)

The inaugural meeting of BIG decided to concentrate its efforts on the preservation of the native honeybee Apis mellifera mellifera (Amm), which is the bee most suited to the climate.

Members of the Association are encouraged to support the aims of BIG by stocking their hives with bees /queens supplied by the group and refrain from the use of imported queens, which undermine the efforts of the BIG and lead to further mongrelisation of the local bees.

The aim of BIG is to continue our efforts to improve the Amm characteristics of the local honeybees in the District for the benefit of the Association members and expand our area of influence to other like minded beekeepers.

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